Sandy Freund, Branch Manager
In March, the library will have a spring break program for all ages, World on a String by the Bob Brown Puppets. In April, we will have programs on the use of social media for job-hunting, an author visit from a world traveler, and a special program on U.S. citizenship by USCIS. Our combined March/April calendar is as follows:
Thursday, April 25, 7:30 pm.
Unreasonable Travels with Richard Bangs.
Join Richard Bangs, adventure travel writer and PBS star, as he describes his exciting recent journeys to North Korea, Kashmir, Easter Island, Galapagos and more. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Richard Byrd Library. Books available for sale and signing courtesy of the Fairfax Library Foundation. Adults and teens.
Personalized Computer Tutoring. Get one-on-one help with computers, common software applications and navigating the Internet. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults.
Every Saturday in March; Saturday, April 6 & 13, 10:00 am-12:30 pm. VITA Tax Assistance. IRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earned up to $51 K. Adults.*
Tuesdays, March 5, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2:30 pm.
Thursdays, March 7 & 21; April 4, 11, 18, 7:00 p.m.
eBooks. Learn how to browse the collection, check out books and download to PC, Mac and e-readers. Call the library to schedule an appointment. Adults.
Every Tuesday in March and April, 7:00 pm. English Conversation Group. Practice and improve your English. Adults.*
Tuesdays, March 5 & April 2, 7:00 p.m.
Bedtime Storytime: In the Company of Stars. Come in your pajamas, bring your favorite stuffed animal and enjoy bedtime stories and music. Age birth-5 with adult.
Wednesdays, March 6 & April 10, 10:30 a.m.
Fun with Ones. Enjoy books, songs and rhymes in a special storytime just for ones. Age 1 with adult.
Thursdays, March 7 & 21; April 4 & 18; 7:00 pm.
Springfield Writers’ Group. Share your work, give and receive feedback in a supportive environment. Adults.*
Monday, March 11, 2:30 pm.
Hidden Pond Monday: The Food Web. Presented by Hidden Pond Nature Center staff. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Richard Byrd Library. Adults.
Wednesday, March 13, 10:30 am.
How Does Your Garden Grow? Stories and activities about springtime and flower and vegetable gardens. Age 3-5 with adult.
Thursday, March 14. 1:30 pm.
Afternoon Book Club. Widow of the South by Robert Hicks. Adults.*
Tuesday, March 19, 7:00 pm.
Classics Book Club. Lost Horizon by James Hilton. Adults.*
Wednesdays, March 20 & April 24, 10:30.
Times for Twos and Threes. A storytime focusing on early literacy skills just for twos and threes. Age 2-3 with adult.
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Wednesdays, March 27 & April 24, 1:00 pm.
Travel Club. Bring lunch and enjoy a lively discussion. Adults.*
Wednesday, March 27, 2:30 pm.
Bob Brown Puppets: World on a String. Join master puppeteer Bob Brown on a rollicking adventure around the world. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Richard Byrd Library. All ages.
Thursday, April 11, 1:30 pm.
Afternoon Book Club. Call for title. Adults.*
Tuesday, April 16, 7:00 pm.
Classics Book Club. My Antonia by Willa Cather. Adults.*
Wednesday, April 17, 10:30 am.
Up with Umbrellas! Stories and activities about rainy days. Age 3-5 with adult.
Monday, April 22, 2:30 pm.
Hidden Pond Monday: Signs of Spring. Presented by Hidden Pond Nature Center staff. Cosponsored by the Friends of the Richard Byrd Library. Age 6-12.
Wednesday, April 24, 1:00 pm.
Getting a Job in the Age of Social Media. Learn how to use social media to your advantage when applying for jobs. Get started with LinkedIn, learn how to expand your professional network and protect your privacy. Cosponsored by JSSA, the Jewish Social Service Agency. Adults.
Saturday, April 27, 10:30 am.
Pathway to U.S. Citizenship. Learn about the citizenship process from U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services staff. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services. Adults.
*=no registration required