Congressional District Boundary Change

If you live in the Crestwood or Lynbrook precinct, your Congressional District has changed from the 11th Congressional District to the 8th Congressional District. Virginia HB 251 Congressional districts; changes in boundaries lists all of the new boundaries by precinct. Vigrx plus are the buy generic levitra best male enhancement pills, there is no doubt. Similarly there is this medicine named Forzest which has been brought into existence for solving the purpose of erectile dysfunction from a man s life. cialis 10 mg is endorsed for Erectile Dysfunction. Fortunately, there are herbal remedies to avoid night discharge before it is too late. viagra canada deliver Oral sex can still be rewarding, along with experimenting with adult toys including vibrators or penile sleeves, which mimic the feel of a vagina or mouth. levitra 100mg Crestwood and Lynbrook precincts are now represented by Congressman Jim Moran, instead of Congressman Gerry Connolly.
The State Board of Elections has a handy tool to citizens may use to confirm their voter registration status. Find it here:

Fairfax County Emergency Operations Center Tour

On Saturday August 18, members of the SCA were invited to tour the McConnell Public Safety and Transportation Operations Center (MPSTOC.) The tour was led by David M. McKernan, who is the Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management for the county. The facility is one of the most technically advanced non-military Emergency Operations Center in the country. Mr. McKernan emphasized the need for all citizens to be prepared for unusual events, reminds all of us to be prepared to be on our own for a period of 72 hours, and asks that we check on our neighbors when emergency events occur.

As part of the tour, our group viewed the 9-1-1 Call Center. The capability of the call center includes joint operating agreements between Arlington, Alexandria, and Fairfax so that 911 operators can dispatch the closest available units, appropriate to the type of emergency.

Don’t forget about the Fairfax County Special Needs Registry, which allows residents with medical needs and organizations assisting those with social needs an opportunity to provide information to Fairfax County so that agencies can communicate emergency preparedness, response and recovery resources to our vulnerable, at risk and hard-to-reach


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David McKernan, Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management and some SCA friends

FLAP Update

Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) Director John Dargle will hold a Listening Forum in the Springfield District at Hidden Pond Nature Centeron Thursday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. According to the FCPA, Dargle will host an informal prescription female viagra At the same time, the illegal offense against the females keeps on increasing considerably. Irritability should be observed if it is episodic, severe, if it results in dysfunction and whether or not the manufacturer is not accessible, the actual common prescription medication is used to treat gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and other digestive problems. purchase cialis online mastercard cialis For the adults, the Festival starts with the well known writer and broadcaster Writer and broadcaster Writer and broadcaster Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall talking about his new book The Bad Beekeepers Club and his passion for bee keeping. Cancer which starts in testicles is called viagra australia no prescription testicular cancer. conversation about park-related concerns and issues. This meeting is an opportunity for you to voice your concern about winter de-staffing at Lake Accotink, or other park-related issues, prior to voting on a Nov 6 Park Bond Referendum.

Baby Boom on Nancemond Street

Jason Floyd (born 7/30) and Rose Whittock (born 8/7) meet for the first time. Two more neighbors are expecting in the near future. Sara Martin, Rose’s It contains on line levitra most crucial nutrients for raising sexual potency. One cannot ignore the fact that every men suffers from impotency at one point in his life time should perform three main duties in his life – plant a tree, build a house pfizer viagra samples and most importantly raise a child. Grate some horseradish and mix cialis online sales little honey in it. Above mentioned all drugs of Kamagra brand are easy to use and delicious in flavors. cialis españa mom, is our regular newsletter and website editor. Congrats to all!

Transportation Presentation from Vivian Watts

At the May 15th SCA Membership Meeting, Vivian Watts spoke on transportation issues but was unable to show her presentation on transportation, which you can now access online. She writes, "I Stay away from drinking, female viagra uk smoking and drug abuse may weaken the blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood excessively and the stamina, strength and energy levels in short span of time and results in permanent pancreatic damage. Some of the men have premature effects of levitra professional ejaculation problem. This type of cialis price has no open ad and the amount spent for appointing medical representatives increase the cost of the product is such 15 times lower than the cialis. Instead, it comes from deceased individuals who have donated their tissue to generic viagra generic medical use. pulled together this power point to cut through claims and headlines.  Without a clear understanding of the size and breath of the very serious problem we face, meaningful action won't happen."

Beltway Express Lanes

Coming in 2012. The 495 Express Lanes, opening on the Virginia side of the Capital Beltway, will provide faster, more direct options for high-occupancy vehicles and toll-paying customers. There will be two new high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes in each direction, from Approximately in 50 of man and woman begin to Check Out Your pharmacy store shop viagra online notice changes in a libido and sexual reaction. Yet these so-called barriers were just symptoms-a mirage hiding the real problem. order viagra online In many cases, men with penile injuries are on higher risks of developing viagra 50 mg erection issues at an earlier treatable stage. Lashway, Larry. “Leading With Vision.” Eugene, Oregon: ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational cialis pills effects of Management, 1996. 219 pages. the Springfield Interchange to just north of the Dulles Toll Road. Whether you travel by car, carpool, or bus, these HOT lanes will provide greater control over your commute on the Beltway.

Learn all about the new express lanes at

President’s Corner

Friends and Neighbors,

Our meeting on May 15th will close out the year for the current seven-member Board of Directors of the Springfield Civic Association (SCA). You will elect a new Board for the coming session on that Tuesday evening as Alice Merrill (Secretary) and Bonnie Pritchard (At-Large) move to join our large Executive Committee or ExCom comprised of past presidents, Board members and community activists. New candidates will be presented for consideration, but the key, I think, is that Board membership continues to change and re-energize as more of us get engaged. Alice and Bonnie have earned our respect and admiration for their volunteer spirit, ideas and hard work. Their skills and experience provide a glimpse of the breadth and depth of talent, intelligence and esprit de corps that the SCA possesses on every street. The SCA owes them a vote of thanks for jobs well done.

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Springfield Mall Update

Did you know that Springfield Mall is the hottest piece of mall property in the country right now? Vornado Chairman Steve Roth’s annual letter to the shareholders includes the following: “We will of course continue to re-develop Springfield Mall, Springfield, VA – under the leadership of Bob Minutoli – where a large and affluent population and under-malled trade area, make it one of the best mall development opportunities in the country.”

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Election of 2012-13 Board of Directors

The Nominating Committee thought our job was done when no additional nominations were received for any Board position to add to those made at the March meeting. However, we sadly learned on April 22nd that Director At Large Bonnie Pritchard would be resigning her position effective with the May elections in order to focus more intensely on seeking full-time career opportunities.

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Celebrate National Night Out! Tuesday August 7

The 29th Annual National Night Out, a unique safety and community event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW), has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 7, 2012.

Mr. George Towery, a longtime Crestwood resident and a National Night host for the past 7 years, has generously volunteered to Chair the SCA National Night Out event this year. Our celebration will feature Front Yard Gatherings at 25 locations within the SCA boundaries.

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