Public Comment Period for Lake Accotink Dredging Ends April 1st

In October of 2019, after several years of meetings between citizens and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (BOS), the Board voted unanimously to dredge Lake Accotink to a depth of 8 feet. Several years of studies and deliberations have gone on since then, no dredging has taken place, and now in 2023, the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) and Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) have made a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors that Lake Accotink be allowed to fill in with silt and no longer dredge it. If this recommendation is accepted by the Board of Supervisors, Fairfax County’s beloved Lake Accotink might not be a lake in the future.

There are several reasons FDPA and DPWES came to this conclusion. “The condition of Lake Accotink today is largely due to rapid development within the Accotink Creek watershed in the mid-20th century, which resulted in increased stormwater runoff that eroded streams and sent large amounts of sediment into the U.S. Army drinking water reservoir that became Lake Accotink,” one analysis reads. Also, the cost of dredging the lake went from 30 million in 2019 to 95 million in 2023. The cost of follow up dredging for the next 20 years is predicted to be 300 million, making the total projected cost to be 395 million.

If you, like many other residents who don’t want to lose Lake Accotink, think there must be alternatives to letting the lake fill up with silt and become a wetlands area, please make the Board of Supervisors aware of your opinions. Let the BOS know what you think the benefits of maintaining Lake Accotink as a “lake” are. Let the BOS know what Accotink Lake means to you and your family.

Below is the contact information for the DPWES. Leave your comments at the end of the survey. Also included is a list of the 10 Board of Supervisors email addresses. Send your comments to each of the supervisors. In addition, send your comments to our national and local representatives.

Let your voice be heard!! Comments will be accepted until April 1, 2023.



Department of Public Works and Environmental Services –

Jeffrey C. McKay –

James R. Walkinshaw –

John W. Foust –

Rodney L. Lusk –

Walter L. Alcorn –

Penelope A. Gross –

Daniel G. Storck –

Dalia A. Palchik –

Pat Herrity –

Kathy L. Smith –

Vivian Watts (State Delegate) –

Kathy Tran (State Delegate) –

March 2023 Issue of the Springfield Reporter

The March 2023 issue of the Springfield Reporter is available here for your review.

Inside this issue:

  • March Membership Meeting on THURSDAY, March 23 at 7:00pm featuring a Q&A Session with Supervisor Rodney Lusk
  • The Origins, History, Timeline and Future of Lake Accotink
  • Children’s Consignment Sale at Grace Presbyterian Church
  • American Legion Dixieland Dinner & Music on Friday, March 24

Emergency Preparedness Handouts


The January SCA General Membership Meeting featured guest speaker Gary O’Neilin, a Crestwood resident, who shared information on “Expecting and Preparing for the Unexpected!”

Informational handouts and checklists are available on our Emergency Preparedness page.  Click here to view and/or download those documents.



The SCA Welcomes New Members!

If your home or business is located in central Springfield, join us to stay informed, connected and active in the civic affairs of the community to keep our neighborhoods safe, attractive, vibrant places to live, work, play and/or do business.

Attend meetings to keep abreast of what’s happening across the community that impacts you, your family, your neighborhood, your business. Add your input to the discussion of issues and formation of solutions.

There are two ways to become members. You can print and complete the form below and mail your dues to: SCA, P.O. Box 842, Springfield, VA 22150, or click on the “Pay Now” button and pay via Pay Pal.

Grace Weekly Preschool Needs Teacher

Grace Weekday Preschool is looking for a Lead Teacher for the 2022-2023 school year!
The Lead Teacher is responsible for daily lesson plans which will encourage each child’s creativity, cognitive ability, socialization, as well as fine and gross motor skills. Lead and Assistant Teachers will work together in preparing the daily activities. Communication with parents is required via a weekly/monthly newsletter. Individuals must be able to effectively communicate with parents and administrators, have a strong background in the classroom, and love working with young children.
  • Works Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Additional 1 hour per day of paid planning time outside of the school hours.
  • Develop and implement daily age-appropriate lesson plans.
  • Provide a fun, safe, and rewarding learning environment for students.
  • Must have prior teaching experience.
  • Must hold at least a B.A. degree from an accredited college or university, major in Early Childhood Education preferred, or commensurate experience.
  • Must be able to successfully complete criminal background check and show evidence of satisfactory health. (Doctor’s statement and tuberculin test results required.)
  • Shall be a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions towards others.
  • Must be physically capable of meeting the physical and emotional needs of children (which may include lifting a child); to crouch to a child’s height and maintain eye contact at a child’s level; to sit on the floor; to stand tall enough to reach children on play equipment.
Please email your resume to Our address is Grace Weekday Preschool 7434 Bath Street, Springfield VA 22150, 703-451-3314