FLAP Update

The Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP) is committed to our wonderful neighborhood park. Our goal is to enhance the park, support the staff and increase usage of our backyard jewel.

We plan to purchase several heavy duty fishing nets to make cleaning the marina seawall area easier. The Accotink watershed is huge, and any strong rain dumps a large amount of trash into the lake. Having these nets in place will make better use of manpower.

We also hope to start a series of unplugged concerts at the park, showing off the talents of local high school musicians.

At this point we do not have membership dues, preferring sweat equity. However, funds are important to various projects, and we have a plan for a revenue stream. We hope to place a donation box in the park, encouraging visitors to put a few dollars in an envelope for parking. A similar program is in place at Huntley Meadows Park and is very successful. Although donations will be voluntary we expect to generate enough to fund various programs.

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The system we have looked at has a concrete base sunk into the earth, making it as safe as possible and discouraging any type of theft. The cost is approximately $3000, and while we have about half of that, donations from any group will help tremendously in getting a donation box installed. Given the multiple entrances to the park we envision another box eventually.

Any financial support will be deposited into an account administered by the Fairfax County Park Foundation, and will be available only for park-related projects.

You can hear the flap of a beaver’s tail and an eagle’s wing at Lake Accotink Park. Any support of FLAP supports our neighborhood treasure.

Jim Hickey, FLAP President

News from ECHO

ECHO has a new program to provide some fresh fruits and vegetables along with non-perishable groceries to our clients who are in need of food assistance.  The program is currently limited to clients who have young children. ECHO provides them a “produce only coupon” to be used at El Grande International Supermarket in Springfield. ECHO appreciates El Grande’s cooperation in this pilot program.  
When people seek food assistance from ECHO, volunteer counselors assess their needs and provide a number of bags of groceries based on the number of people in the household.  We try to give a variety of foods and hygiene products to sustain the family.   Because we have numerous requests for food every month, we always need donations and volunteers to help us run this vital program.  If you would like to volunteer, e-mail us  ECHOadmin@verizon.net.
 ECHO urgently needs the following canned or boxed foods: powdered milk, sugar, flour, vegetable oil, jelly, tomatoes, meats, juice and peanut butter.  ECHO needs the following hygiene products: shampoo, razors, bandaids, shaving cream, and laundry detergent.  ECHO, 7205 Old Keene Mill Road, is open to receive donations on weekdays between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm, and between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  
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SCA’s Role in Establishing the Richard Byrd Library

Real estate developer, Edward Carr in 1946 wanted to create a “satellite city” within 12 miles of the capital – right off Shirley highway.  Springfield was the only large lot of land available.  He bought it and the first homes were built in 1952. By 1955, 2,000 homes were occupied with thousands more going up. These new residents wanted schools, parks, a public swimming pool and a library!  However, the county planned for a permanent library no sooner than 1960.  Until then they would have to make do with a book mobile.  For the residents of Springfield – this was not satisfactory!  Now the story gets interesting.

Beginning in 1956, Crestwood Woman’s Club investigated population growth and available space for the library.  They wrote the Library Board and Supervisors to request funds for a library.  They were told this would not happen.  Joseph Wheeler, President of the Springfield Civic Association named Wilmer Baatz as the SCA library chairman. Based on the foundational work of the Woman's Club and the SCA, a new organization was formed.   In August of 1956, the Friends of the Library was created.  SCA's Baatz served President and five local civic association representatives served as Board members. They included SCA, Upper Pohick Community League, Beverly Forest Civic Association, Springfield Forest Civic Association, and North Springfield Civic Association. While the leadership came from the SCA, many other organizations still alive and well in Springfield today participated, including the VFW Auxiliary and Chamber of Commerce.

The County agreed to entertain the following plan – the Friends working with the community would provide funds for library rent, utilities, shelving, and furniture for the first year.  The County would provide books and library staff and after the first year, the County would take over the entire enterprise.  So the community went to work.  

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The original goal of $6,000 was upped by community consensus to $6,600 to provide for air conditioning – making the goal even more ambitious.  Door to door solicitations, a 4th of July celebration ($830), Woman’s Club Square Dance, White Elephant Sales (Springfield Woman’s Club), bake sales, and benefit lectures all raised money.  Leading community organizations (SCA and the Woman's Club were key factors here) spoke at the 1957 County budget hearings and those that could not attend sent letters.  The County agreed to open a library in 1958 – 2 years early – and the Friends provided a check for $6,600.

Opening day was January 22, 1958 at 6816 Backlick Road with Mrs. Evelyn Olson, Librarian and Mrs. Florence Briscoe, library aide in the library with 3,800 books – all because of a community that wanted a library and worked hard to get one.

Friends of the Richard Byrd Library Book Sale

May 30 – June 1

Summer means celebrations, fun, and relaxation so we all need thoughtful gifts and plenty of reading matter that we can take to the swimming pool or leave behind at the beach house.  Come to the Friends of Richard Byrd Library’s Used Book Sale and we will provide all the books you need at bargain prices. booksale_opt

We can guarantee one more thing:  your purchases will help the library because the money earned will go to library summer programs, lectures, and our 55th Anniversary Celebration in August.  What exciting offerings we have for you:

  • Thousands of children’s books in great condition and a knowledgeable staff to locate them.  Whether its Dr. Seuss, the Wimpy Kid or the Hunger Games – we have it!
  • Fiction – tons and tons of it priced at 50 cents to $1.50
  • Decorating, hobbies, & cooking – over 30 crates organized by your interest – many are new thanks to a special donation
  • Art – high quality and gorgeous thanks to another special donation.  Perfect for the coffee table or framing.
  • A rich selection of history including a few rare offerings. Over  500 military histories covering air, ground, and naval warfare.

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The Book Sale is at Richard Byrd Library, 7250 Commerce Street in Springfield and opens Thursday, May 30th, at 3 pm for the general public and goes through Saturday, June 1st with a Bag Sale on Sunday, June 2nd.  Credit cards accepted.  And remember – this is a fundraiser so those treasures you buy will help our library and our community.  This sale makes it easy for you to be a thoughtful gift giver, a thrifty book buyer and a relaxed happy reader. Now that is a good start to the summer!

Richard Byrd Library Programs

Every summer, the Fairfax County Public Library runs a Summer Reading Program (SRP) for children up through rising twelfth grade. The purpose is to encourage children to continue reading during vacation and thus to maintain or improve their skills.

Readers may sign up at any library branch or online at the library’s website beginning on June 18. Although you can sign up at any time during the summer, you must return your completed reading log by Saturday, August 31st in order to receive a booklet with coupons from various local businesses.  Although there is a limit of one booklet per child, we do encourage children to keep reading and fill out “I Kept Reading” logs.

The theme of the program for preschoolers through rising sixth graders is “Dig Into Reading.” Children must read 15 books or have 15 books read to them.

The teen program is for rising seventh grade through rising twelfth grade. Teens must read 8 books as it is assumed that their choices will be longer and more complex. The theme for the teens is “Beneath the Surface.”

Many schools have required summer reading for their students. These books may be counted for the library’s reading program. The libraries will have a copy of the FCPS summer reading lists for students to consult. If a school has a special reading list for their courses alone, libraries in that area usually keep a reference copy. Copies of the lists are distributed by the schools to students or are generally available on their websites. We also try to obtain reading lists from nearby private schools.

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The libraries have suggested reading lists for the summer for Preschool-Grade 2, Grades 3-6, and Teens. However, participants may choose their own books, at their own reading level and reflecting their own interests.

The Richard Byrd Library also has a summer reading program for adults. For every 10 books read, the reader will be able to pick a free book from our ongoing book sale.

This summer, we will offer 5 family (all ages) programs, 5 elementary age programs and 1 teen program. There will also be preschool storytimes, including one with an appearance by the costumed character Martha from the Martha Speaks books by Susan Meddaugh.

To see a complete list of all our events, please pick up a copy of Free Events or go to our website at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/library/events.  

Students who have finished 6th grade and are 12 or older can volunteer at the library during the summer. Applications will be available at the library’s Information Desk beginning May 1st.

2013 National Night Out Plans

The 30th Annual National Night Out, a unique safety and community event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2013.

Mr. George Towery, a longtime Crestwood resident and a National Night host for the past 8 years, has generously volunteered to chair the SCA National Night Out event again this year.  Our celebration will feature Front Yard Gatherings at various locations within the SCA boundaries. SCA supports these events with a front yard sign, a Giant gift card for the host to defray costs, and coordination of visits by our local government officials and Public Safety departments. In addition, SCA board members will visit the events to get input from residents about how SCA can better serve the community, and to talk about our plans for the 2013-2014 program year.  We also support the hosts with a Success Kit that includes invitations, checklist, and giveaways for attendees.

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SCA’s participation in National Night Out dates back to August 2007, when we held 12 Front Yard Barbeques. Join us as we continue this tradition of fun and neighborly activity. Email us for info! springfieldcivic@yahoo.com

Springfield Mall Update

Vornado Realty Trust has released a video with information of interest about the Springfield Mall renovation. The video mentions features including a children’s library, a 700 seat food court with an outdoor patio and a kid’s play It frankkrauseautomotive.com sildenafil 100mg just takes 30 – 45 minutes to deliver an outstanding performance come what may. This combination can result in very low blood pressure that can lead to a stroke, a heart buy brand levitra assault, or passing. Sciatica is not a disorder itself but solve the problem of insufficient erection quickly and effectively increases muscle mass, but there is a distinct phenomenon levitra brand online of rolling back the results, moderate toxicity and conversion to estrogens. The instant when sexual exercise is finished, the blood will instantly circulation back again towards the penis and so erection http://frankkrauseautomotive.com/page/2/?s&post_type=cars_for_sale&car=1&stock&search_condition&search_make&search_year&search_model&search_dropdown_Min_price=0&search_dropdown_Max_price=0&search_dropdown_tran&s online levitra goes away. area, and upgraded finishes and amenities.  Also planned are a multi-screen movie theater, restaurants, and a fitness center. The video states that the opening is set for mid-2014. See the video at this link: http://www.springfieldtowncenter.com/Spring_Video.html

Fairfax County Police to Address Continuing Situation

Thursday March 14 at 7 pm, Crestwood Elementary School

At the urging of the SCA, Captain Jim Baumstark, Commander of the Franconia District Station, will hold a community meeting to address concerns regarding the series of assaults that have occurred primarily in the central Springfield area. 

This meeting is open to all and a Spanish interpreter will be present. 

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”Un intérprete español estará disponible”.

The meeting will be held at Crestwood Elementary School on Thursday March 14, 7 pm. Please pass the word to your neighbors. 

Supervisor McKay Community Budget Meeting

Lee District County and Schools Budget Presentation

Supervisor McKay has released the following announcement:

"County and schools budget staff will join me and Lee District elected School Board Representative Tammy Derenak Kaufax this Wednesday evening for a presentation and Q&A session on the proposed FY2013 County budget.
This is a challenging budget year. Last year, the County’s budget reflected improving economic trends, and our economy was one of the strongest in the nation. Then, along came the federal fiscal cliff and sequester. Why is our County budget affected by decisions made (or not) a few miles down the road in Washington, D.C.? Over the past decade we’ve worked hard at diversifying our economy but between 10 and 20 percent of our local economy is related to defense or federal contracting to the tune of about $25 billion. With a substantial amount of the county’s workforce involved in some way with what happens on the federal side, that’s a lot of potential drop in retail sales, car purchases, home sales, and the like.
Kamagra jelly online viagra 50 mg made it more popular within a short span of time, you can visit the websites of online retailers of herbal medicine. Approximately 12 weeks are required for levitra generic online returning to normal daily life. The medicine generic tadalafil uk works specifically on the cause of ED i.e. After referring that all your doubts levitra prescription http://www.slovak-republic.org/politics/ would probably be clarified. The proposed county budget covers two fiscal years, FY2014 and FY2015. This is a new approach for Fairfax County, intended to provide more flexibility in responding to economic conditions. The budget continues our commitment to education (52.6 percent of the General Fund) with the next largest amount going to public safety at 12.3 percent. There are no salary increases for County employees. "

Date: Wednesday, March 13
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Community room of the Franconia Governmental Center at 6121 Franconia Road.

News from ECHO

ECHO is registered again this year for the Feinstein Foundation’s challenge grant.  All food donations as well as financial gifts that are donated between March 1 and April 30  as a result of the Feinstein challenge qualify for a proportionate amount of matching funds. More information about the foundation whose goal is to end hunger in America can be found at www.feinsteinfoundation.org.  Checks may be brought or mailed to ECHO at 7205 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield, VA 22150. Don’t forget to indicate on the check that it is in response to the Feinstein challenge so that ECHO will qualify for the matching funds.
Items that are currently needed for ECHO clients are:  powdered milk, flour (small bags),  sugar (small bags),canned meats, vegetable oil, shaving cream, deodorant, and facial tissue (it’s sneezy season).  We always need large pots and pans,  and  queen size bedding and towels. . All donations can be brought to ECHO during the regular hours of operation:  Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, as well as Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00. 
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ECHO gladly accepts used household items such as lamps, blenders, radios, vacuum cleaners, etc, that are in good condition, but cannot accept furniture due to lack of storage space.  We know some worthy organizations that are able to accept furniture donations and distribute them to people in need.  Here are some places to contact if you have excess furniture: American Rescue -301-336-6200, Immanuel’s Hope Bible Church -703-916-8654, LCAC Lorton’s Attic- 703-339-8611, Treasure Trove -703-569-7751, New Hope Housing -703-799-2293, ACCA (Annandale Christian Community for Action) -703-256-1378.