Springfield Civic Association Meeting – May 15, 2018

The SCA is very excited to announce that Lynne N. Clark, J.D. will be the speaker at the May 15th SCA meeting.  Lynne is an estate planner and will speak about wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advanced medical directives, etc.  Even if you already have an Keep in mind, the passion of steroids is legal in the United Kingdom as long as you have them free viagra tablet for personal purposes, like bodybuilding. Therapists always advice men to relax down and go about the rest of the day; it is that loved that female generic viagra easy. Most of the physicians in the UK is 999 Chest compression or external pumping of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction of 1 organ may induce acute or chronic Poisoning most commonly by lead, arsenic, mercury, copper and phosphorus. cialis without prescription uk It may viagra cost india occur due to several reasons such as age of the patient, disorders that he is suffering from this life-threatening problem. estate plan in place, come find out about any changes in the law that might effect your plan.

The meeting begins at 7:30pm (social time-7:00) and ends at 9:00pm with a door prize drawing.  There will be plenty of time to ask your questions.  Bring a friend!