Tax Relief Workshops

Free Tax Relief Workshops For Older Adults, People with Disabilities

Lee District 

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Hosted by Supervisor Jeff C. McKay
March 19 and 21, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. No appointment necessary. 
Franconia Governmental Center 
6121 Franconia Road, Alexandria


Springfield Swim & Racquet Club welcomes Dive Coach, Cindy Haataja for the 2013 Dive season. Cindy is currently a high school math teacher in FCPS. She grew up swimming & diving at Holmes Run in Falls Church. While attending college at VA Tech she was on the dive & gymnastics teams. She coached diving at Holmes Run & Donaldson Run; 2 years at Michigan Tech; and has coached at the high school level intermittently for the last 30 years.

The club is also very excited about the Springfield Community Engagement Water Safety and Swimming Program we are developing, targeting our local elementary students. Instructors will be ARC certified in water safety. This program is partially funded by a grant from the Fairfax County Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program and administered through the use of volunteers.       

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The pool will open for the 2013 swim season on Saturday, May 25th.  Contact Jennifer Killmer Gado by email at or call 703-455-6203 for membership information.



With signs of spring beginning many in the Springfield area are thinking about gardening.   Those same people probably have numerous plants sitting around in pots, grow plants in pots all summer long, and have to water their gardens to keep their vegetables and ornamental plants surviving during the hot summer months.   Having a water barrel to catch rain water from a roof is a great means to save money on your water and sewer bill, be environmentally conscience by reducing the amount of rain water that goes into the Fairfax County storm sewers, and reduces runoff into the various streams in the area that especially feed into Lake Accotink, the Potomac River, and eventually the Chesapeake Bay.   Just how does one go about getting or making a rain barrel?   One solution is to attend a  rain barrel workshop.   A commercially available rain barrel that sells at retail can cost anywhere from $90 to $200, plus shipping costs.   This is probably more than most want to spend on a rain barrel, although many of them are very nice looking and if it is going to be in a location that is visible to others that may be a concern for you.   A simple query on the Internet will bring up an endless list of vendors for rain barrels.   

Otherwise a workshop that allows you to come and build your own is a great option.  Fairfax county has information at:   The cost of these 55 gallon rain barrels are $55 if you build your own,rainbarrel1_opt or you can purchase one for $65 already made.   These barrels are food grade plastic, generally all black in color and will look something like the barrel shown here.

(By the way I would advise NOT to put your rain barrel directly on the ground as pictured.)   Look at the height off the ground of the copper water facet at the bottom of the barrel which is where you will take the water out, compared to the height of the watering can sitting next to the barrel.   You want to elevate the barrel off the ground for easier use.  BEWARE though.   The 55 gallon barrel filled with water weighs almost 500 pounds.   It needs to be secure to not tip over on you or children in the neighborhood, and any platform needs to be able to support that much weight. rainbarrel2   These three barrels are connected together to catch water, and they are up off the ground several inches for greater convenience and use.




Another option for those who are artistic in nature is to paint the barrelrainbarrel3.   This link shows local artist paintings of rain barrels – Be creative!!!

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Rain barrels probably are NOT for everyone.   There is maintenance involved, they need to be cleaned out regularly, and you need to ensure proper maintenance to keep mosquitoes out.   The last thing you will want is 55 gallons of mosquitoes breeding by your house.   Look over the information on the website and decide for yourself.   Ask around, there are no doubt other gardeners within the Springfield Civic Association willing to help set one up at your house. 


Happy gardening Springfield, spring is right around the corner.    




Garfield Elementary School Arts and Crafts Fair

Garfield Elementary School Arts and Crafts Fair 

Saturday, March 9, 2013, 10AM – 4PM

Join us for a day of family fun while supporting local artisans.  The school will host over 70 professional crafters selling handcrafted items. This is a wonderful opportunity to find Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, teacher appreciation, baby gifts, and more. Come shop for yourself or family and friends. There will also be supervised craft activities and games from 11am to 3pm for children pre-K and older by County of Fairfax School Age Child Care (SACC). 

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Update from Franconia Station Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC)

Domestic Violence!  It is no respecter of age, gender or socio-economic background.  Unfortunately, it’s something our police department sees on a regular basis.  Domestic violence, how it’s dealt with, and what can be done to help its victims were all topics covered at the CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee) meeting on 20 February.  If you need information or help, or know of someone who does, there are people you can call. 

Victim Services Section – Specialists are located at each district station.  There is a multi-lingual staff, 24 hours/7 days a week on-call , who will provide service to all crime categories and provide crisis intervention.  The services they can provide include:  Court accompaniment /transportation, witness preparation, liaison for officer/detective/commonwealth attorney, police escort, home visits, SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) exams, CICF (Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund), telephone outreach, victim notification, and counseling referrals /community resources. 

Franconia – Monica Meeks at or 703-922-0889 ext. 2291

Sully – Jacqi Smith 703-814-7027

Mt. Vernon – Melissa Wallace 703-360-8400 ext. 2315

McLean – Allison Smuck 703-556-7750 ext. 2260

Mason – Carolyn Kinney 703-256-8035 ext. 2387

Reston – Adrian Berkey 703-478-5118

West Springfield – Staci Richards 703-644-7377 ext. 2266

Fair Oaks – Nickole Porter 703-591-0966 ext. 2247

Domestic Violence is defined as:

§ 18.2-57.2 Assault and Battery against a Family or Household Member

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§ 18.2-57.2A Any person who commits an assault and battery against a family or household member is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor

§ 18.2-57.2B Upon a conviction for assault and battery against a family or household member where such person has been previously convicted of 2 offenses against a family or household member is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

When the police receive a call which involves domestic violence, their guideline comes from General Order 601.4 (IV. E (1) §19.2-81.3B An officer having probable cause to believe that a violation of 18.2-57.2 or 16.1-253.2 has occurred shall arrest and take into custody the person the officer has probable cause to believe, based on the totality of the circumstances, was the predominant physical aggressor.

Some common characteristics of domestic violence victims are guilt (feels responsible for being battered), low self-esteem, history of abuse (grew up in violent home), isolation (feels isolated and does not trust others), dependence (emotionally and economically on the batterer),  powerless (feeling that no one will be able to help), denial (minimizes injuries), passive, severe stress reaction, fearful of being insane,  and accepts violence.

There are many reasons why the victim does not leave the situation or returns to it:  financial, children, fear, she loves him, blames herself, is embarrassed, she’s tried before, immigration issues, disabilities, isolation, religious beliefs, fear of being outed, no guarantees of safety, and promises to change by the batterer.  The cycle of abuse is: tension (walking on eggshells), explosion (incident of abuse), honeymoon (love and hope), hook (abuser apologizes but blames the victim).

What can be said about the abuser?  Is it an anger management problem?  No, the police say. 

90% of batterers do not have criminal records and they don’t usually have violent encounters at work or other locations, indicating they can manage their anger just fine!   It’s a learned behavior usually involving a family history of abuse.  It’s to maintain POWER AND CONTROL!

Some early warning signs are: the abuser blames others, resents his partner’s success, is unable to express himself clearly, exhibits controlling behavior, has hit before (once the social taboo is broken, it’s easy to do it again), demands strict control, has unrealistic expectations, exhibits hypersensitivity (feelings hurt easily), is cruel to animals/children, playful use of force during sex, verbal abuse, rigid sex roles, threats of violence, and any use of force during an argument.

Leaving an abusive situation is more than just an event, it’s a process.  Emergency Protective Orders (EPO) will probably be involved: § 19.2-81.3D In every case in which a law enforcement officer makes an arrest under this section, he SHALL petition for an EPO when the person arrested and taken into custody is brought before the magistrate (unless minor). 

Preliminary/Permanent Protective Orders (PPO/PO) can: prohibit further acts of family abuse, limit/prohibit contact between offender and victim, limit/prohibit contact between offender and any children or household members, require offender to vacate premises/stay away from victim’s new residence, grant victim possession of home or suitable alternative housing for victim and children/household members and grant victim temporary possession or use of motor vehicle jointly owned.   It’s a civil process but it becomes criminal when violated: an assault occurs, the offender comes on the property, or the offender has contact of any nature (calls, text messages, letters, etc.).

For further information or help, please contact Detective Monica Meeks at or 703-922-0889 ext. 2291.  Don’t become a statistic! 

The Franconia Station Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meets every third Wednesday of the month. A special presentation or class begins at 6:30 p.m. and the actual CAC meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.  As an integral part of the CAC meeting, the captain of the Franconia Police Station gives a report and answers questions from concerned citizens.  Captain Jim Baumstark knows and appreciates the value of concerned and involved citizens and welcomes your attendance at the CAC meetings!  All are welcome. NO membership, dues or R.S.V.P. required.  Come!

Crestwood Elementary School Update

Crestwood After School Theater

You are cordially invited to attend The Last Days of Pompeii


Drama and Music by Debra Kay Robinson Lindsay and performed by the Crestwood After School Theater. 

Wednesday March 20, at 7:00 pm. 



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As we approach the mid-year point of the 2012-2013 school year, the Crestwood staff is working to insure that all of our students are meeting their target assessments academically.  We are reviewing all of our grade level curriculum goals and determining the needs for each student, so all will have a successful year at Crestwood. 

You will continue to see building improvements at Crestwood.  The county just completed a lighting study and determined that additional external lighting was necessary around the building for safety and security.  Our new sign on Hanover, gives us the ability to update our messages daily and to keep the community informed about Crestwood activities.  Since our construction is coming to a conclusion, the Springfield youth organizations will once again be using our fields for their spring sports. With all of the spring activities, students will once again be walking, biking, skateboarding in the community after school.  Please continue to use caution when driving in the neighborhood.  We continue to stress to our students to respect the neighborhood, to use the sidewalks, and use caution when crossing all streets.  Together we can make a very safe community for our students.

We appreciate all of the continued support the Crestwood community gives to our school. 

Timothy Kasik, Principal

Crestwood ES

Lynbrook Elementary School update

Lynbrook Elementary had a special guest appearance at the February 28 Parent Teacher meeting.

Ronald McDonald appeared to provide a show geared towards pre-school through 3rd grade students, encouraging them to read and to learn about the power of sharing a good book with some friends. IMG_0124Combining humor with magic, the children as well as parents who attended were certainly entertained. The overflow crowd in the cafeteria filled every chair with many sitting on the floor or standing in the back. After the show Ronald spent time getting his picture taken and handing out stickers to the children. This event coordinated by the 3rd grade teaching team is one of many creative ways the Lynbrook teachers and staff reach out to the families and get them more engaged in the school. The demographics of Lynbrook from school year 2011-2012 indicates over 76% of the students as” limited English proficiency.” Through various creative means Lynbrook encourages reading a minimum of 20 minutes each night with the child, regular visits to the library, and activities making learning fun.

Another Lynbrook event I’d like to highlight is the winter concert that was held in the Lynbrook gymnasium the evening of January 17th. Music education is another means utilized in the Lynbrook curriculum that brings families together in social settings. With the diversity that exists at Lynbrook it is so very important to engage all of the families, making the school a welcoming place to facilitate learning. The gym was overflowing with families while students in the grades 4, 5 & 6 presented songs with their band instruments, several presentations by the strings, and singing by the chorus. Each year this program gets bigger and better. All in the Springfield community are welcome to attend when the next concert comes up this spring.

Here are a few important events coming up soon at Lynbrook. Remember Lynbrook is a community school, part of the Springfield community, and everyone is welcome to attend as well as get involved in the various activities at the school.

March 14
Silver Diner fundraiser night: The Silver Diner is a HUGE supporter of Lynbrook and helps out whenever they can Come to the Silver Diner and a portion of the proceeds go back to Lynbrook that evening.

March 15
Lenny Day: Yes, we are the Lynbrook Leprechauns, so every year around St.Patrick’s Day Lenny visits the school and does magical tricks. Many of the students create and devise elaborate “traps” to catch that mischievous Leprechaun, but never has he been caught.
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March 16
Lynbrook Health Fair: Various organizations will present information on healthy eating, wellness checkups, bicycle safety, and many, many more events.

March 21

Parent-Teacher Association meeting – everyone is welcome to attend.

March 25-29 Spring Break (No school)


Fairfax Connector Express Lanes Service From Springfield to Tysons Begins March 18

FDT-017 Facebook photo(er)1.8-01[2][2][1]

Forget the car, forget the stress: Starting March 18, there will be a new, convenient way forSpringfield-area residents to get to Tysons. Fairfax Connector’s Express Connector service is coming to Springfield. That means Tysons-bound commuters will have their choice of buses on weekday mornings and evenings to enjoy a direct, fast commute. And to encourage Springfield residents to give it a try, Fairfax County will pick up the tab for the first month’s commute.

The Springfield-to-Tysons Route 494 is part of Fairfax County’s expansion of service into communities that have not had express bus service to and from Tysons. New Route 495 from Burke began in January, and service from Lorton via Route 493 also begins March 18. The Lorton route serves a new park-and-ride lot—the Saratoga Park-and-Ride Lot (located at Barta Road and the Fairfax County Parkway).

Buses will use the dedicated 495 Express Lanes, and are expected to travel on average 55 mph on the Capital Beltway, even during rush hour. Eleven buses will leave Springfield bound for Tysons during peak times on weekday mornings, with 13 headed back to Springfield during the afternoon and evening. The Express Connector will also run four trips between Tysons and Springfield at midday.

Three separate lines (494G, 494J, and 494M), each traveling through a different part of Tysons, give riders the choice of the fastest, most direct trip to their office. An additional line, 494F, will service all stops as the first and last bus in both the morning and afternoon.

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Let your friends outside Springfield know, too: The Express Connector Route 494 will stop at the Franconia-Springfield Metrorail station, allowing those commuters who have easy access to the Metro’s Blue Line a new option for commuting to Tysons as well. The fare is $3.65 by SmarTrip® or $4 in cash. To start with, though, commuters can try the Express Connector for free—from March 18 to April 12.

This ride will be faster than the current Springfield to Tysons bus service on Connector Routes 401 and 402, which can take up to an hour. The 495 Express Lanes use an automated system of varying tolls designed to help control traffic volume and keep the speeds brisk. Fairfax Connector’s no-transfer Express Connector service gives commuters the ability to get to work and home quickly and avoid the tolls—and driving—entirely.

The Express Connector routes also use brand-new buses, providing you with a clean and comfortable trip. Imagine a commute where you aren’t the one behind the wheel: You can read, catch up on email, or simply relax, all while cruising past traffic on the Beltway!

To learn more about the new service, visit, and sign up for updates.

Spring is in the Air –check out what’s blossoming with TrailsforYouth.Org!

TrailsforYouth.Org (TYO) has kept busy over the winter, keeping the kids active, looking for funding (please help), and possibly most importantly cultivating partnerships that will serve local at-risk youth now and in the future.  Two new exciting partnerships are already reaping great new opportunities for youth.  Our partnership with Springfield’s Fairfax Sportsplex provided 180 youth opportunities this winter and our partnership with Virginia Outside will provide an additional 40 to 200 opportunities in 2013 and help us strengthen both our fishing and mountain biking programs at Lake Accotink, Wakefield Park and more Northern VA area parks. IMG_1008 We’ve got healthy stuff growing here!  Our camps with Fairfax County Park Authority The endothelium lining of blood vessels in the penile organ and cost viagra prevent it from draining, a band is rolled over to the base, which stays there while having sexual intercourse. In today’s world where divorce rates have gone up substantially in many developed as well as developing countries, cheap levitra a study has revealed that ED can affect men of all ages. There may be psychological reasons of erectile dysfunction, and those include stress, feelings, and purchase viagra online find out that drugshop tension. Never take more than one cialis discount generic Sildenafil tablet in a 24 hour period. have grown to maturity and we are now offering a crop of new camps on our own to address the demand – 5 days of hiking and biking for Springfield at-risk youth during Spring Break.  This camp is so necessary for the many kids in our area who do not have opportunities to get outside, especially during Spring Break. In the past local businesses and organizations have helped to provide scholarships for local youth – SCA has generously supported our efforts in the past, as well as Metro Run and Walk, Lynbrook ES PTA and more. We hope you dig all the opportunities our bouquet of programs provide and will help us cultivate more resources to better serve the youth of our area!

Update from Supervisor Jeff McKay

I was in the supermarket the other day when I ran into a constituent who asked me what I thought of sequestration.  I couldn’t answer because I had my young children in tow and could not  use the language I wanted. I can tell you, though, that what happens with sequestration matters a lot to Fairfax County.  We saw that on February 26 when the county executive released his proposed fiscal year 2014 budget.  Now, it’s my colleagues and my job to listen to you and crunch the numbers as we look into a very cloudy crystal ball. A year ago, that crystal ball was clearer, our budget reflected improving economic trends, and our economy was one of the strongest in the nation. Then, along came the federal fiscal cliff and sequester.  Why is our County budget affected by decisions made (or not) a few miles down the road in Washington, D.C.?   Over the past decade we’ve worked hard at diversifying our economy but between 10 and 20 percent of our local economy is related to defense or federal contracting to the tune of about $25 billion. With a substantial amount of the county’s workforce involved in some way with what happens on the federal side, that’s a lot of potential drop in retail sales, car purchases, and the like.

The proposed county budget covers two fiscal years, FY2014 and FY2015.  This is a new approach for Fairfax County, intended to give us more flexibility in responding to economic conditions.  The budget continues our commitment to education (52.6 percent of the General Fund) with the next largest amount going to public safety at 12.3 percent.  There are no salary increases for County employees.  The county executive has recommended a 2 cent increase in the residential property tax—whether that will be the actual tax rate I couldn’t say right now.  My colleagues and I will be paying close attention to what we hear about community needs and priorities. Personally, in a time of economic uncertainty my preference is to keep the tax rate as low as possible while still providing essential services.

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My citizen budget committee is hard at work reviewing the budget and preparing its recommendations. (You can read their FY2013report at  

There’s more budget information at The Lee District Budget town meeting is on March 13 at 7 pm in the community room of the Franconia Governmental Center.  To testify at a budget public hearing, contact the clerk to the board at 703-324-3151 or sign up at for the April 9, 10, and 11 public hearings at the Fairfax County Government Center. The Board formally adopts the FY2014 budget on April 30.