News Update from Trails for Youth

Are your ears ringing?  It could be due to people talking about exciting kid’s projects in our area.  The Springfield Connection and Alexandria Patch newspapers covered a story about Lynbrook Elementary School, and WJLA-TV did a Harris’ Heroes segment about an after school program taking place at Lake Accotink Park.  The common thread of both stories was the SCA supported Springfield based kids health organization TrailsforYouth.Org (TYO).  TYO partnered both with the park and schools to make sure local youth have opportunities to be outdoors and healthy.    The newspaper articles heralded Lynbrook Elementary as being the first public elementary school in Fairfax County to operate the Air Quality Flag System, which alerts students and adults to air quality with a glance at the flag flying on the flag pole in the front of the school every day.   Poor air quality contributes to asthma and respiratory illnesses which causes multiple missed school days each year.

Every day, student patrols at Lynbrook will raise a colored flag of the Air Quality Index (AQI) to show how polluted the air is expected to be.  Green is good air, yellow is fair air, orange is not good for people with breathing issues, red is bad for all people to be active outdoors. Families and teachers will be able to compare the colored flags to the AQI and know what actions to take to protect the children's health. "Lynbrook works continuously to support the well-being of each of our students. This program is an extension of our efforts to provide all the benefits we can for our students," said Assistant Principal Shirley Shannon. "Partnering with TrailsforYouth.Org to provide this program is an additional resource for our students and the community. We are excited to be a pioneer in the County."

The second story, was the TV coverage highlighting the scenery of Lake Accotink Park and TYO’s at-risk youth after school program – The Trailblazers. The partnership between the park and TYO dates back 11 years and has introduced thousands of local youth to the beauty of the park, and the need to protect our natural resources. TYO utilizes the beautiful park setting to teach youth the importance of being active outdoors, overcoming obstacles and while doing this, introduces them to the trails and natural wonders of Lake Accotink Park. The SCA has played an important role in this partnership by sponsoring youth from Lynbrook and Crestwood to attend week-long camps.

It is with tremendous appreciation that we can update the SCA members about the wonderful publicity and programs happening here in Springfield.  For those members who do not know about TYO, it is a local nonprofit 501(c)3 headquartered in Springfield that mentors at-risk youth and provides opportunities for children to experience nature along with the joys and health benefits of being active outdoors. For more information about their programs please visit the website at  And for information about the fantastic news coverage please see these links:

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ECHO of Springfield Opportunities

Gov. McDonnell has declared September 24 a “Day of Service” for Virginia and called on citizens “to make a concerted and united effort to care for the poor and needy, to give service, and to design projects where families and individuals can assist those in need and improve the quality of life in our Commonwealth’s communities.”  In response, one of ECHO’s member congregations has organized three events to collect food for ECHO and other area non-profits that distribute food.  See for more details on the September 21 food collection at local grocery stores, a 3K walk at Robinson Secondary School on September 28, and a concert at Fairfax High School on September 29. Participants are asked to donate a non-perishable food or personal care item.

ECHO has many opportunities for volunteers, but we have a major need for a person with strong administrative and communication skills to become our Volunteer Coordinator. The time commitment and work site are fairly flexible, in that much of the work could  be accomplished from home.  The job entails working with ECHO’s director to determine where volunteers are needed, then recruiting people for those tasks using a large, existing volunteer database and/or developing sources to attract new volunteers. If you would like to know more about this opportunity, send an e-mail to

ECHO’s special needs this month include macaroni and cheese, rice, spaghetti, powdered milk, shampoo, shaving cream and razors. Also, new or used, but usable men’s and boys’ jeans, kitchen blenders and toasters, are especially needed right now.  If you can donate any of these things, or other non-perishable foods, hygiene items, school supplies, educational toys, or household goods, please bring them to 7205 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield, between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm on weekdays, or on Tuesday – Thursday evenings, 7:00 to 9:00.

Sadly, ECHO is unable to reopen its Wednesday evening Teen Volunteer Program this fall because we lack an adequate number of volunteer adults to supervise.  The teen volunteers do tasks related to donations; for reasons of confidentiality, they are not in the building when clients are there.  If you are interested in working with teens and would be available at least two Wednesday evenings a month for the duration of the school year, please contact us at  This program not only helps ECHO, we believe it gives young people the understanding that any community is stronger and better when people help each other. 

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Thanks to everyone who donated and worked on ECHO’s school supplies program!  Currently, we have distributed more than 900 of the 1100 backpacks filled with grade-appropriate school supplies.  We will continue to give them out as needy families with school age children come to us.

ECHO’s semi-annual Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, October 26, from 8:00 am until noon at St. Bernadette Catholic Church gymnasium, 7600 Old Keene Mill Road.  There are many exciting items of clothing, accessories, and housewares available.  Come join the fun of the bargain-hunt.  Items offered for sale have been donated to ECHO.   All proceeds benefit Ecumenical Community Helping Others (ECHO). 


Message from Supervisor McKay September 2013

Even more than January, September has always felt like the beginning of the year to me and now that my daughter has started kindergarten, my family and I are fully back in the rhythm of the school calendar year.

August was a transitional month for my family—my daughter’s last days as a preschooler and a time for my wife and me to adjust to having a child in school.  (I sure would like to know how they grow up so fast!) In addition to mulling over that family milestone, I’ve also been thinking a lot about the role of our government. The fact that just about every August day had a story about congress and the possibility of a government shutdown certainly made me appreciate my board colleagues who work across the aisle, communicate, and compromise to get things done.

I also remembered a discussion I had with a constituent some years back when he called my office to complain about paying County property taxes.  He believed we should have a cafeteria form of government where no one should pay for services not used.  In his case, he said he used no County services so therefore there was no reason for him to pay County property tax.  And then he told me all about how he runs for an hour early every morning and prefers to do that at Fairfax County parks because of their excellent and well maintained trails.

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Fairfax County provides an array of services to its residents, one of the reasons we’re known for our high quality of life and stable economy.  On September 21, I’ll be bringing those services directly to Lee District residents at a resource fair from 9 am to noon at the Franconia Governmental Center.  You’ll be able to get immediate information and advice from an array of county agencies including such topics as zoning violations and property maintenance, parking, drainage, consumer affairs, road construction, streetlights, trash, building permits, health, and the like.

There’s no need to register in advance—just walk in and take advantage of services to help your neighborhood.

SCA Celebrates National Night Out

SCA extends a warm and grateful thank you to all of our great hosts, participants, the FCPD and MPO Jim Reid for arranging visits from patrol officers,  and Captain Todd Gorham from FXFRD and his crew from Station 22.

We began celebrating National Night Out in 2008. This year we had twelve hosts and about 400 neighbors attended the gatherings. Despite drizzles, cloudiness, and humidity, the rain never materialized. YAY.  Plan to host or attend next year!

Many of our hosts sent follow-up reports and we are pleased to provide some of the highlights:

Nancemond Street had 40 attendees from 13 of our 25 houses including 4 of the 6 new babies born since July 30 of last year.  budandfcpd

An exceptional variety of wonderful sides and desserts showed up from the neighbors:

  • chili and cole slaw for the hotdogs,
  • stuffed jalapeno peppers,
  • sushi,
  • watermelon balls in the hollowed out rind,
  • potato salad,
  • corn on the cob (fresh picked!), and brie with craisins and crackers.

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Doncaster: Twenty-five neighbors/kids attended the dog friendly event at the Doncaster NNO as three of our neighbors up and down the block had dogs. One of our neighbors in the cul-de-sac is 92 years old and has lived in her house in the house since 1963 (50 years!). When I handed her the NNO invitation the previous weekend, we ended up talking for about 20 minutes. She has children that live in the far western suburbs of northern Virginia who visit every week and bring food but she doesn’t get out much any more. She was so excited to be invited to meet the neighbors and to talk to some of the 'new' neighbors (i.e. since 1985).  Although she lives only 5 houses away down the street, it was too far for her to walk, so another neighbor drove her in the car and parked in our driveway so she could visit. We set up a folding chair on the level ground in the middle of the front yard and everyone who was there said hi and listed to her stories of growing up in Springfield. She liked the Oreo cookie pie and having so many new people to talk to. Kids LOVED the Springfield Volunteer firetruck when it drove up, lights flashing; the unmarked police car… not so much 🙂 

Edgebrook: Had about a dozen people, overall, show up.  What was great about it was that there were 3 families living on our block for more than 12 years, and none of them had ever met. Now all can put names with faces and look out for each other. 

Charlotte and Bath: The combined Charlotte Street and Bath Street NNO had a wonderful turnout. We had 35 neighbors come out and hang out in the front yard.  We were visited by at least 15 other firefighters and paramedics.  Their trucks and tours were enjoyed by everyone in attendance.  It was a treat to meet the people who protect and serve our area in a relaxed and fun environment.

We ate bbq pork sandwiches, hotdogs, meatballs, slaw, potato salad, chips, watermelon and cookies.  The visit from the police detective and the Target representative was a big hit for our 8 friends under the age of 12 who enjoyed the free frisbees, Target stuffed animals, stickers and reflective lights.  We caught up on all the news especially regarding our children, travels and grandchildren.  We especially enjoyed having a few of our teenagers on the street join in the fun and food before leaving for college in a few weeks.  We had a new family join us and it was nice to put names with faces. Many of us donned a light jacket or a sweater and braved the drizzles. The kids found a cardboard box and turned it into a robot  A fun time was had by all!

Atteentee Rd: Proof that a good thing only gets better: this event had over 50 people spread over one and a half lawns.  This event has it’s own Facebook page! Families of all ages came out.  

Loretto: Over on Loretto Street, there was a good turn out – about 45 neighbors to include firefighters and police.  We made it a dog friendly so the neighbors could meet other dog walkers. The party was so much fun that we are looking forward to hosting it again next year. 

Essex Avenue: We had 42 plus media join us last night. That number includes our fire station friends and our police officers. 28 were from our neighborhood. See a news story that includes the hosts, Rose and Josh Moore, along with MPO Reid right here:

Greenville  So, one more time we (the neighbors on and around Greenville Place) had our Annual National Night Out in George's front yard. The Rain was not invited but had been threatening to come with her whole entourage of Thunder and Lightning. We were prepared, of sorts, with a tent. And, of course, we always had George's lovely porch to retreat to.AtGeorges21

But 6 o'clock came and she didn't arrive. Who did show up, bright and early, were three gallant firefighters. Only they were a bit too early –– or our neighborhood kids a little late… So just one of them, Lily, fetched in a hurry, made it to meet with the awesome and loud beast, the Fire Truck.

Soon several other neighbors, little and tall, started to arrive, and we shared burgers and hotdogs, salads, pop corn and other treats. Some made their acquaintances for the first time –– either because they are new to the area, or just don't walk around much ––, while others had the chance to stop and chat a bit.

Grace St: About 35 people attended the Grace Street gathering, including long-time residents and newcomers.  Visitors stayed until darkness fell. This multi-generational event featured a great visit from Springfield Station 22. Our youngsters of all ages enjoyed climbing into the ladder truck but did not take advantage of the opportunity to blow the air horn. engine422











Bridge Walk

For the past consecutive twelve years – the entire history of the Bridge Walk, the SCA has participated in this end-of summer event. The Kings Park Concert Band will again participate—this community band has been part of every BridgeWalk since year one. Other participants since the beginning include the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fort Belvoir, the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce and TAGS.bridgewalk

The Bridge Walk began as a way to mark the completion of one of the phases of the Mixing Bowl project and a thank you to VDOT for redesigning the Amherst Avenue Bridge (also known as Veterans Bridge).  The original plans for the bridge were to widen it to accommodate the additional lanes added to Old Keene Mill Road.  The original plans were for a standard, utilitarian highway bridge and lighting. The redesigned plans (at the request of the community and then-Supervisor Dana Kauffman) were for a more attractive bridge with wide sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists, attractive lighting that matched the acorn lights in the central Springfield business district, and landscaping at both ends of the bridge.

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Free refreshments included barbecue from Red, Hot & Blue, ice cream, cake, bottled water, etc. Free prizes are donated by the Lake Accotink Park, Metro Run & Walk, Talk of the Town Gourmet Gifts, Felix & Oscar, the Springfield Woman’s Club, and other local businesses.

For the past several years, a highlight of the event has been the signing of the Army/Community Covenant and SCA members were honored to be invited to sign the Covenant. 

Brookfield Park Reconstruction Project

Brookfield Community Park is just over 25 acres and was constructed in the late 1950’s to serve as a neighborhood amenity. There is a picnic shelter, trails, restroom, and one-acre pond.

The earthen dam at the pond is leaking and overgrown with trees, which are a threat to the structural integrity of the dam.  The concrete spillway lacks support, the dam is eroding and the pond does not meet up-to-date safety and design regulations.

The Brookfield pond was not designed with modern day stormwater management techniques but in its new configuration it will drain the surrounding 49 acres and contribute to improved water quality downstream

Plans for Brookfield Park include reconstruction of the dam and outlet structure, installation of a forebay system, restoration of two stormwater outfalls, parking lot improvements, and a look out area on top of the stormwater outlet.

Where the stream enters the pond, a wetland forebay system will be installed. Forebays are several smaller ponds that are placed along the water flow path.  The smaller ponds will collect and filter pollutants and sediment for improved water quality in the pond.  This new forebay system should help control the algae problems in the pond.  Floating wetlands will be installed to increase pollutant removal.  These are constructed using native and aquatic plants that float in rafts and function as natural wetlands. 

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A new road is necessary for maintenance and will be constructed from the parking lot to the far side of the dam.  Permeable pavers that filter stormwater will replace some of the asphalt in the parking lot.  Native plants will be installed but nothing will be planted or should be planted on the dam.

The pond will be drained and the fish will be moved to Lake Accotink. The pond will be rebuilt to meet present day standards for stormwater detention and water quality. The project has been designed to save as many trees as possible.


A final design has been completed and construction is scheduled for late summer or early fall, 2013. The trail through the park will be closed during construction, which may continue for five months, weather permitting.

For more information call the Stormwater Planning Division at 703-324-5500, TTY 711 or email 

President’s Message May 2013

Supervisor McKay will cap off a busy and productive 2012-13 SCA season on May 21st at Crestwood Elementary. Social time starts at 7:00pm with business commencing at 7:30pm.  This season we have participated in many events and discussed varied topics, from the Veterans Bridge Walk and the tear-down of the old mall, to Campaign Night, National Night Out and the "Groper."  Your SCA led the way and partnered wherever we could to enhance the community's safety, viability and relevance in our evolving county.  Looking ahead the SCA will continue its standing dialog with the Supervisor's Office and our state representatives along with the business community.  Also, Springfield Days is fast approaching.  Look for opportunities to participate in one of the events directly or as a volunteer, e.g., the Springfield 15k/5k Road Race or the Cardboard Boat Regatta.  In autumn, the SCA is planning a program focused on gardening along with other events we think will keep you informed and enthused.  On a personal note, I wish to thank and acknowledge my fellow SCA Board members for their time and talents, as well as our Executive Committee members for making our success.  Together we all find ways to serve our greater community and keep the American spirit of volunteerism alive and well. So, come out in May to hear Jeff's news, and to be heard by Jeff.  We will have some door prizes to give away, and good cheer as well. 

Yours for Springfield,

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Bruce Waggoner

Supervisor McKay on Volunteers

Volunteers make Fairfax County a great place to live and work. Our strong culture of volunteerism builds social capital, strengthens our community, and improves our quality of life. 

Fairfax County has many volunteer opportunities ranging from service on one of its boards, authorities, or commissions to one-time events such as community clean-ups.

I’m proud of our Lee District volunteers and always look forward to the events that honor them.  Celebrate Fairfax’s Lord and Lady Fairfax event in early June is one of my favorites. The tradition of honoring the Lords and Ladies Fairfax began in 1984 to recognize outstanding County citizens. Members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors select two people from their districts who have demonstrated outstanding volunteer service. Past honorees are a Who’s Who of Lee District citizens.  This year, Kyle Talente is my Lord Fairfax, honored for his many years of service to the Southeast Fairfax Development Corporation (SFDC) and Route One revitalization.  My Lady Fairfax is Samantha Underwood, a fourth grader and the creator of Kids Sending Smiles, an organization of school children that raises money for those in need.

Then there’s Volunteer Fairfax’s Service Awards.  Suzette Kern is Lee District’s Community Champion—Suzette represents our district on the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board and also chairs my citizen budget committee. 

Looking for a way to get involved? Here are some resources:

Fairfax County boards and commissions

These are the advisory bodies to the County’s Board of Supervisors.

(I have vacancies on the Commission on Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation and the Fairfax Area Disability Services Board so please contact me if you’re interested.)

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Volunteer Fairfax

Volunteer Fairfax matches skills and interests of volunteers to the needs of local nonprofit organizations for both one-time and ongoing volunteer projects.

Clean Fairfax Council Fairfax encourages environmental stewardship and sustainability in Fairfax County.  It works to reduce littering and supports community clean-ups and adopt-a-spots.

Fairfax County Animal Shelter

(Note that while volunteer activities will start up again this summer, you can still foster a pet now).

I’m looking forward to seeing you on the volunteer circuit. 

Crestwood Elementary School Teachers Receive Honors

Melissa Porfirio Named FCPS 2013 Teacher of the Year

Melissa Porfirio, a first grade teacher at Crestwood Elementary School, has been named the Fairfax County Public Schools 2013 Teacher of the Year. Porfirio will represent FCPS in Virginia’s Teacher of the Year competition; the winner will be announced in fall 2013.M. Porfirio

Porfirio has also won the Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award for educational excellence, which is presented annually to a teacher from each school division in the Washington metropolitan area. The goals of the Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards are to recognize excellence in teaching, to encourage creative and quality instruction, and to contribute in a substantive way to improving education in the Washington area. 

Principal Timothy Kasik praises Porfirio for the efficient way her classroom runs. “It is always amazing to see how smoothly everything functions,” he explains. “The students have routines and systems in place for all transitions and there is never a moment of down time.” Kasik also notes that Porfirio has a way of making learning fun for her students. “Her students love coming to school and each one of them always has a smile on his or her face,” he adds. 

Parents agree that Porfirio is skilled at meeting individual students’ needs. Jennifer Killmer says that the teacher made a huge difference in her son’s life as she worked with him to improve his reading skills to grade level in a matter of three months. “Not only did she do amazing things with his education, but she also made him love school. She had these fun cheers that she would do with (students) and still today he uses them all the time.” Parent Heather Trammell says that Porfirio “took the time to learn sign language so that she could better capture my daughter’s attention in class,” helping the child reach her potential. Using Responsive Classroom as a model, Porfirio encourages students to demonstrate what they have learned during a personal history unit in a number of ways: by designing a poster with pictures and words, creating a board game or interactive SMART™ Board game, writing an autobiography, acting out key events in their life, or developing questions and answers for an interview. “These multiple opportunities that match learning styles increase overall engagement,” explains Porfirio.

Porfirio has taught at Crestwood since 2005 and received the school’s Human Relations Award in 2008.   She earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from the Catholic University of America and her master’s degree in education with a focus on curriculum and instruction from George Mason University. 

Debra Lindsay Nominated for 2014 Grammy Music Educator Award

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Debra Kay Robinson Lindsay has been teaching elementary general music for 38 years in Fairfax County Public Schools.  She is the past president of the Virginia Elementary Music Educators Association, is the current Virginia chair of the Music in Our School’s  Month Campaign and is a National Board Certified Teacher in early and middle childhood music.  She serves as secretary on the board of directors for the Virginia Chamber Orchestra. lindsay_opt

Ms. Lindsay was recently nominated for the 2014 Grammy First-Ever Music Educator Award.  She and her Crestwood After School Theater (CAST) students were featured in the April 2013 edition of NEA Today.  A 2010 Fairfax County Teacher of the Year finalist, 2009 and 2010 finalist for the National Teachers Hall of Fame, 2010 Horace Mann Fellow, Debra was also named the Virginia Outstanding Music Educator in 2003 and the 2007 Music Teacher of the Year by the Opera Guild of Northern Virginia. 

Ms. Lindsay was a contributing member of the 2007 Virginia Department of Education Music K-5 Standards of Learning Strategies Correlation Writing Project.  She is the author/composer of four series of lesson plans and arrangements for the Virginia Chamber Orchestra and is the author of numerous articles and books by MusicWorks, The Core Knowledge Foundation and NAFME/Rowman & Littlefield. Her publications are sold in book and music stores around the world.  She was a Fulbright Memorial Fellow in Japan, was a Virginia Department of Education Fellow in Russia, has served as an online mentor for the National Association for Music Education, taught beginning music educators in FCPS’s Great Beginnings/Continuing the Journey classes, and conducted several honors choruses in Virginia.  Her elementary groups have appeared at the International Children’s Festival at Wolf Trap Farm Park in Virginia, at embassies, national conventions and at The White House.

Ms. Lindsay enjoys experiencing international culture and is a frequent traveler and adventurer, traveling to all the continents except Antarctica. 




Citizen’s Advisory Council Meeting Report

Parking issues abound in Fairfax County and the Franconia District is no exception!  If your neighborhood is experiencing a parking problem, the CAC meeting in April was where you should have been!  Parking Enforcement Officer Nevien Tadross spoke to those gathered about her job as the parking enforcement officer and fielded a question and answer time.  She has a huge area to cover in the Franconia District but encouraged everyone to contact her with their concern and she will look into it.  If you have such a concern, please e-mail Officer Jim Reid ( and he will make sure Officer Tadross gets the message.

Captain Jim Baumstark then gave his summary of the past month’s events, including an update on the Springfield Groper.  He said there has been no activity in Central Springfield in the past five weeks and that there are bike teams as well as other resources in the area.  There have been three similar events in Lorton but the MO and suspect description were different, leading the police to believe it is a different person involved.

The weather is getting warmer and as a result, there may be an increase in crimes committed by juveniles.   His advice is to make sure to lock cars, homes, garages and to keep valuables out of sight.   This time last year, there was a rash of motorcycle thefts.  The police are trying to make people more aware to prevent a repeat.  If you see or hear anything suspicious, please call the non-emergency number 703-691-2131.  If it’s an emergency, please do not hesitate to call 911!

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This time of year, there seems to be an increase in solicitors.  He advised homeowners to remember that solicitors must have permits and they must show them when asked.  Call the police if you suspect something is not right.  You may avoid being a victim or prevent your neighbor from becoming one!

The Franconia Station received the “Chief’s Challenge Award” for traffic initiatives and traffic enforcement last year.  It is quite an honor!

The Franconia Station Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meets every third Wednesday of the month. A special presentation or class begins at 6:30 p.m. and the actual CAC meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.  As an integral part of the CAC meeting, the captain of the Franconia Police Station gives a report and answers questions from concerned citizens.  Please come and bring your concerns and questions!