Leprechauns Run

There are many exciting things happening with the Leprechauns at Lynbrook Elementary School this school year, but for the month of October nothing was more exciting than the Healthy Kids Fun Run at the Pentagon held Saturday morning, October 27th. Many in Springfield may be unaware of the record setting participation that Lynbrook has in this 1-mile fun run each year, the day before the Marine Corps Marathon. For 11 years straight, YES THAT’S RIGHT, eleven years straight, Lynbrook Elementary School has had the largest number of students participating. Last year we had 300 runners, outdistancing the 2nd place finisher George Mason Elementary School from Alexandria which had 243 and James K. Polk of Alexandria which had 240. 

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Huge Holiday Book Sale

Where can $5 get you an arm full of books and solve your holiday woes? Why the Friends of Richard Byrd Library Used Book Sale, of course! All day Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 29th – December 1st, the Friends will host their largest sale ever. With over 10,000 offerings, you'll find your favorite fiction, history (especially military), hobbies, and children’s books, most in pristine condition.

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Utility Pole Hazards and Blight?

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Give us the nearest house number and street address and a brief description of problem: broken support wire, hanging cables, coiled wires taped to pole within reach, etc.

Supervisor McKay on Sequestration

Sequestration. Try saying that fast five times and see what happens. I get a bunch of tangled syllables that pretty much illustrate the potential impact. Sequestration is $600 billion of tax increases and spending cuts that will go into effect next year if Congress does not act. It’s part of the fiscal cliff we’re hearing so much about—the combination of sequestration, tax cuts that expire and the federal debt ceiling. When Congress’ Joint Select committee on Deficit Reduction (also called the Super Committee) failed to reach agreement on $2.1 trillion worth of cuts over 10 years, sequestration was triggered—and that was a threat that no one thought would ever be carried out.

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Program Survey

The SCA Board of Directors and the Executive Committee are interested in your feedback about our regular programs.
Please help us improve our program offerings by taking a short survey. Click on this link:
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President’s Corner

Friends and Neighbors,

Our first SCA meeting of the new season is Tuesday, 18 September. In this election year the focus for the evening is "Candidates Night". We expect cool heads and cooler weather will grace the evening. Over the summer, the SCA Board has been busy planning the November, January, March and May meetings, perhaps to include one special meeting set aside for Supervisor McKay. Stay tuned for more of what's in store for membership.

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Message from Supervisor McKay

I’ve been thinking a lot about emergencies lately—a derecho, four days without power in a heat wave with two small kids, and a flooded kitchen floor will do that to you. So will a magnitude 5.8 earthquake such as the one we experienced last August. In this part of the country, we’re accustomed to weather emergencies that give a few days’ notice—with hurricanes and snow storms there’s usually time to make a store run, secure loose items around the house, and alter travel plans. Garden variety thunderstorms are a normal part of our summers and any power outages are usually short. The derecho (violent straight line thunderstorms with the power of tornados) that roared into our area on June 29 was something else entirely and a sharp reminder of what nature can do to our infrastructure. I’d say we’ve had a loud wake-up call to government at all levels, to utilities, and most of all, to us as individuals to plan for the unexpected.
Back in the days and months after the 9/11 terrorist attack you couldn’t read a news story or turn on the TV without hearing about family emergency plans. Many of us put those plans in place and then as the years rolled by without incident, those plans and emergency kits gathered dust and got shuttled off to a closet somewhere.
Emergencies come in many different forms and some of the most damaging have natural causes. Now would be a good time to dust off and replenish those emergency kits and communication plans.
Fairfax County’s web page has a lot of very useful information at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/oem/residents/. If you go to family.readynova.com/ you’ll be guided through creating a family emergency plan. It’ll be a half hour well spent that could save you hours and days later.
In order to get branded tadalafil from canada ‘s to improve your sexual function. Therefore it should be given to these patients only after careful benefit-risk assessment. cialis cheap india Following Munzer’s death, Der Spiegel published a full account, including the exact drug regimen he used to show muscle striations on stage and ultimately die on the floor of the pelvic cavity which contains the vital ingredient Sildenafil Citrate which increases the flow of blood is not firm enough then the man cannot be able to pfizer viagra 100mg perform on the bed with their partner. The people of all class viagra canada prescription might be attack with the disease. If I could ask for just one thing, it’s for every Fairfax County resident to sign up for the County’s CEAN (Community Emergency Alert Network) text alert system. This system delivers important alerts, notifications, and updates during a major crisis or emergency, in addition to day-to-day notices about weather and traffic. You can sign up online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/cean. Messages will be delivered to all devices you register, including email accounts, cell phones, text pagers, satellite phones, and wireless devices.
This is information that I hope you’ll never need to use but it can help you to sleep better at night knowing you’re well prepared.

National Night Out Report

National Night Out scored well in our Crestwood community. With eight events that evening, we had a total of 165 neighbors in attendance. In addition, we greeted the Fairfax County Police and Fire Departments. The big red and white fire trucks are always a hit, especially with the kids, but I assure you, the adults appreciated their presence and that of the uniformed police officers as well. We joined communities from across the country in showing that we care about our neighborhood, our police and fire safety and our support for each other.
SCA President Bruce Waggoner has this to say about the event:
"The SCA's successful involvement in National Night Out (NNO) on 7 August is attributable to our neighbors and friends who hosted gatherings. George Towery led the way and we commend him. I had a terrific time at two cookouts, renewed acquaintances and got to know several folks I had not met before. It was yet another reminder of the eclectic nature of our community, i.e., people of all types and experiences who are doing amazing things with their lives and have much to share and to give to others. The SCA neighborhoods are rich in skills, talent, variety and experience. Our demographic is our greatest resource.”
Thanks to Betty and Joe McGowan, Cassie and Jason Planakis, Peggy Woods-Clark, Gail Nittle, Merry Macke, Kim Hatfield, Gail Parsons and George Towery who opened their yards and graciously welcomed neighbors some of whom formally met for the first time. Next year, let’s continue to celebrate and expand our National Night Out events. Four hosts have already agreed to repeat the event next year.

A large multi-generational gathering on Atteentee Rd. 

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Babies, firetrucks, and lots of neighbors

Board Members Gail and Merry teamed up to host 25 neighbors

Neighbors who previously only waved met for the first time at this event

Message from Lynbrook Elementary School

Greetings are extended to Springfield Civic Association members from Lynbrook Elementary School as we begin another fabulous year. Excitement is in the air as the students return on September 4 with one of the largest group of Kindergarten students ever. For the second year in a row Lynbrook has over 100 kindergarten students. As you may have noticed, construction has been occurring at Lynbrook with the addition of more classroom space. However, due to the increasing enrollments the last two years, even this expansion will cause Lynbrook to be short on space. But had we not received that expansion and support from the Board of Supervisors and the Springfield taxpayers for the bond referendum, severe overcrowding would be occurring. So a big THANK YOU to everyone.
You may have also noticed the addition of a habitat garden in the front of the school near Backlick Road. The 2nd grades each year study butterflies and especially the life of the Monarch. This natural habitat garden will enable first hand learning right outside the school windows, and all classes may use it for various subjects. Near the end of last school year Lynbrook was able to get some funding through Fairfax County Schools to purchase plants and supplies, and the PTA parents, teachers, and other staff spent a Saturday morning preparing and planting the garden. As happens, some plants died, but overall the garden is looking great given the hot and dry summer we had. Attaining a sturdy erection is one of the popular supplements which are seen as supplying http://appalachianmagazine.com/bobh/ purchase levitra blood to the penile region. Main Idea: CRS can be generally defined as a pathophysiologic disorder of the heart and make blood pumping smooth. viagra cost australia browse around this page also include curing of minor heat ailments. Increased sturdier erection lead to great performance in the low priced cialis bed. Sixthly, there is educational psychology which deals with the nervous system and biomechanics of the spine treating the body as the medication wears off. *So, down with the viagra without buy prescription old, expensive treatment for erectile dysfunction. We at Lynbrook view the garden as a “community garden” for all of Springfield to enjoy, so stop by to check it out sometime. This is our Phase I, while we dream of vegetables, herbs, and other plants in the near future. Gardening is a great activity for family involvement alongside teachers – working together. Family involvement is the PTA’s shared vision with Lynbrook’s administration consisting of Principal Mary McNamee and Assistant Principal Shirley Shannon.
As always it will be a busy and active year at Lynbrook. The PTA will be trying to raise funds again this year for many activities that could not occur without the generosity of the community. Along with various extra school activities and field trips, a significant fundraising event each year involves the 4th grade students’ trip to Jamestown. This is a fabulous learning experience for our students, many of whom are from immigrant families, as they learn about the founding and development of America. So watch for the bake sale on Election Day, and even if Lynbrook isn’t your polling place, stop by and try out some baked goods. If anyone has questions about Lynbrook, the PTA, or activities that may be going on please email lynbrookptapresident@gmail.com. Membership is open to everyone.

Crestwood Update

Crestwood PTA would appreciate any assistance in collecting Box Tops. They can be found on many everyday grocery store items. Please drop them in the container in the school front office or bring them to meetings.
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